dominion covenant academy
dominion covenant academy
Dominion Covenant Academy was established by Christ Dominion Team International (a.k.a. Jesus Centre) as a revolution in balancing educational exposure with life and developmental skills. We have a vision to raise God-fearing and excellent children like Joseph, Rebecca, Samuel, David, Esther and Daniel who by covenant of dominion turn things around for the next generation. It is an academy because the schools will teach special subjects for exposure of students to life vocational skills and sports.


Raise Children that are:
  1. Bold & Confident
  2. Sound in mind
  3. Can take right decision
  4. Can ask questions
  5. Teachable
  6. Motivated

Raise Stars in:
  1. Academics
  2. Sports
  3. Culture
  4. Etiquette
  5. Modesty
  6. Good appearance


The Academy is located along Ife–Ede–Osogbo Road,Ile-Ife,Nigeria. The location is about 500 meters away from the Obafemi Awolowo University gate along the road and seated on a 15 plot Landed Property.